Posts by Kovarex

Friday Facts #231 - Belt compression & Crash log uploading

Posted by Twinsen, kovarex on 2018-02-23

Belt compression (kovarex) The decision of how to approach the belt compression in 0.16 was not an easy one, we were basically facing two possibilities: Splitters are the only way to reliably compress a belt. Compression is automatic everywhere (inserters, sideloading, mining drills). Non-automatic belt compression is kind of an nice example of emergent gameplay mechanic that I liked. It was not forced on players, but it allowed to get some extra efficiency if they cared enough. On other hand, the solution to the problem is kind of obvious, and having to use it in all the setups everywhere might add more repetitiveness than fun. So after some discussions, we decided to make compression automatic. But we weren't really sure how to do it. The problem is, that once the items are pseudo-randomly added to the belt, with lot of gaps not big enough for another items to fit, it is not clear how should the additional inserters compress it: The solution was, that whenever there is any gap bigger than the standard distance between items on a belt, item can be inserted there and for a (usually) brief moment, the items are squashed together closer than usual. But once the belt starts moving, the gap between the two squashed item extends to the standard size. This change required us to do some fundamental changes to the belt logic, which could introduce a lot of new problems, but since we just wanted this to be resolved in 0.16, we had to do it now. The result is, that the same setup in 0.16.25+ results in perfectly compressed belt: The belt mechanics are now easier to use, but the game also flows more nicely. The belt flow still needs to be controlled and belt balancers are still needed. As that feels to be the more interesting part of belt handling to me, I am happy with the final result.

Friday Facts #225 - Bots versus belts (part 2)

Posted by Twinsen, kovarex & V435000 on 2018-01-12

The previous FFF seems to have caused quite a reaction. We had many discussions in the office regarding this topic, so this week some of us prepared some detailed responses.

Friday Facts #224 - Bots versus belts

Posted by Twinsen & Kovarex on 2018-01-05

The 0.16 stabilisation update (kovarex) We had quite a lot of critical bugs after the 0.16.8 release that introduced the logistic chest finalisations mentioned in the last FFF. I'm sorry for the trouble, but it is called experimental version for a reason. It seems that 7 releases in the past week has been enough to stabilize it. We are finally in a state, where we are fixing more bugs than are reported, and we are reaching the first boundary of less than 100 active bug reports. It seems that the most urgent things are to be be finished soon, and we could find the needed time to dive into the belt logic to be able to consolidate it. This is my plan for the next week.

Friday Facts #223 - Reflections on 2017

Posted by kovarex on 2017-12-29

Hello, this is the last Friday of 2017, and as such, the last Friday facts of this year.

Friday Facts #222 - Christmas avalanche

Posted by kovarex on 2017-12-22

Hello, as you could expect this Friday facts is mainly about our fight with the avalanche of bug reports, which is actually not as huge as we expected it to be to be honest. We released 0.16.7 yesterday, and this will probably be the last update for a while. Most of us now are taking a break, enjoying the festivities, and visiting our friends and family.

Friday Facts #221 - 0.16 is out

Posted by kovarex & Klonan on 2017-12-15

Hello there. As you probably know, we released the experimental version of 0.16 this week. As usual after such a big release, we are working as best as we can to fix the bugs to make the game reasonably playable as soon as possible. Our current goal is to have semi-stable version before Christmas.

Friday Facts #216 - Paving a path for the GUI update

Posted by kovarex on 2017-11-10

Hello, I wanted to write about the things I'm improving in our GUI library, but I realized, that the important part is to explain what is the motivation to do so. So let me present the history of Factorio GUI.

Friday Facts #215 - Multithreading issues

Posted by kovarex & Klonan on 2017-11-03

Hello, it is Friday once again.

Friday Facts #211 - The little things

Posted by kovarex on 2017-10-06

We are aware that we don't add so much content to Factorio these days. The reason we always state is that we are focusing on polishing and finishing the game. There are a lot of little things and details (some call it quality of life improvements), that don't look that awesome when reviewed one by one, but once they accumulate together they should make a big difference in the game experience. I'm going to talk about some of them now, but don't be afraid that we won't add anything new in the 0.16, as the work on the artillery train has already started and it is probably going to be epic :).